Propaganda Technique - Testimonial - Apple Inc.

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Apple is one of the most famous and popular companies in the world now; the reason for its popularity not only is their innovative products and pioneering ideas, but is also their form of advertisement. Steve Jobs, the founder of the company “Apple”, once said, “It’s not about pop culture, and it’s not about fooling people, and it’s not about convincing people that they want something they don’t.” So then, how did his company advertise their products? There are many different propaganda techniques that a company can use to persuade customers, and Apple is one of the companies that use these techniques a lot. Apple uses the propaganda technique "testimonial" to make people see connections between the company and their featured celebrities. One of Apple’s most famous use of the propaganda technique “testimonial” is from the advertisements from the campaign “Think Different” (1997-2002) because Apple used well known influential thinkers. Apple uses these influential thinkers to show the people that the company itself resembles them. In the television commercial of “Think Different”, Steve Jobs does a short voiceover speech about how and why the featured people are influential, quoting, “...Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” However, the unusual thing about this advertisement is that they didn’t mention any of their products in this campaign. The reason for this is because Apple wanted to advertise the company itself rather than its products back then; they wanted to conciliate the people’s interest by advertising their brand image. The writer of the “Think Different” commercial, Rob Siltanen, quotes, “Apple had some brand zealots in various creative industries, and we thought maybe the best way to stop the bleeding was to do some testimonials with famous celebrities we had heard were Apple backers.”

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