Project Reflection: Child Labor

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I believe that child labor in India is a grave and serious issue. This is why I chose “Child Labor in India” as my topic. I feel and can connect to the child labor, especially in India because that is my home country. My father suggested the topic and I agreed. After doing some research, I came to the conclusion that “Child Labor in India” was the perfect topic to investigate and do my service learning project on. Changing the lives of someone is my duty, which is exactly what I did in this project. I protected the future of children affected by child labor in this project, by making others aware of child labor. Before the actual project started, I thought of child labor to be a solemn problem, but not as intense as I found it to be after I researched the problem. I researched the problem and found out much more than I knew earlier about child labor. Finding out that India, my home country, had the highest number of child labor surprised me. This led me to choosing “Child Labor in India” as my focus. I began to research ways to help the cause. First, I thought I should raise some money, along with making an awareness website. But then, I didn’t know exactly how to raise the money. This probably was the obstacle in my whole experience. At the edge of the end of the project, around the 20th February, it came to my attention that I should just make others aware of child labor. If one becomes aware of severe issue in their community in their childhood, then I feel that when they grow up, the chance of them doing something about the issue increases. If they do something about child labor when they become older, it is possible then to get rid of child labor. To do this, I hung up awareness posters around the school and made awareness announcements over the intercom. This, I’m sure, made the children at my school aware, somewhat, of child labor. My experience

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