Production and Operation Management of Toyota

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Toyota Production System ------------------------------------------------- The production system developed by Toyota Motor Corporation to provide best quality, lowest cost, and shortest lead time through the elimination of waste. TPS is emphasise on two pillars, just-in-time and jidoka, and often is illustrated with the “house” shown at diagram below. ------------------------------------------------- Kaizen - Continuous Improvement Kaizen is the heart of the Toyota Production System. Like all mass-production systems, the Toyota process requires that all tasks, both human and mechanical, be very precisely defined and standardized to ensure maximum quality, eliminate waste and improve efficiency. This is simply common sense - since it is clear that inherent inefficiencies or problems in any procedure will always be most apparent to those closest to the process. The day-to-day improvements that Members and their Team Leaders make to their working practices and equipment are known as kaizen. But the term also has a wider meeting: it means a continual striving for improvement in every sphere of the Company's activities - from the most basic manufacturing process to serving the customer and the wider community beyond. Toyota Members have a responsibility not only to follow closely these standardized work guidelines but also to seek their continuous improvement. ------------------------------------------------- Just In Time One of the two pillars of the Toyota Production System, Just-In-time presupposes Leveled Production (Heijunka) and is build upon the three basic operating principles of the pull system, continuous flow processing and Takt Time. Just-In-Time refers to the manufacturing and conveyance of only what is needed, in the amount needed. This enhances efficiency and enables quick responses to change.

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