Problem Speech - Alcohol Consumption on College Campuses

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Following the guidelines discussed in chapters 6 and 7 of the textbook, create a working or keyword outline (see p. 60) for your problem speech. You can use the following template as a guide, though be sure to consult with your instructor for his/her preferred format. For the Attention Getter, Thesis/Topic Statement, and Closing Statement, write out the actual words you plan to say. For the other items, outline using keywords or brief phrases. Make these clear and explicit enough for your instructor to get a good idea of what you plan to talk about with each point and subpoint. Speech Title: Excessive Alcohol Consumption on College Campuses I. Introduction A. Attention Getter Flash back to freshmen year, it’s your first weekend at school and you are ready to go out for the night of your life. You make it downtown meeting people bouncing from party to party, consuming beverage after beverage. You don’t even know what you’re drinking, but you like it. Eventually, the night becomes a blur and the next thing you know, you wake up in a hospital bed. You are told your stomach has been pumped, you feel like you’ve been hit by a bus, and just when you thought things couldn’t get worse, you find a underage citation sitting next to your bed. B. Orienting Material 1.p Introduce topic clearly: I am here today to speak and raise awareness of excessive alcohol consumption on college campuses. 2. Relate Subject to audience: Now this issue is directly related to us because we are college students. Excessive alcohol consumption surrounds us where or not we choose to drink. 3. Establish Credibility: I know this example is far fetched, but it is much more common than you all would assume. C. Thesis/Topic Statement: Today, I am going to talk about what is considered excessive alcohol consumption, some of the consequences, and why college campuses are a high-risk area

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