Here we are in this so-called world of freedom but when we exercise that freedom, we become ridiculed for making a choice. I would rather end a pregnancy instead of bringing a child into a world that they are forced to struggle and go without ; to make a child suffer is a far worse act then dissolving the birth of an unborn/ undeveloped fetus. In Roe v. Wade, a landmark Supreme Court decision in 1973, stated that a woman and her doctor may freely decide to abort a pregnancy during the first trimester, state governments can restrict abortion access after the first trimester with laws intended to protect the woman's health, and abortion after fetal viability must be available if the woman's health or life are at risk. Abortion was allowed in the United States of America
By this time the baby can surely feel pain. There are also many future medical issues that abortion can cause. It can increase chances of miscarriages. "A June 2003 study published by the peer-reviewed International Journal of Epidemiology estimated that about 15% of first-trimester miscarriages are attributed to a prior histroy of induced abortion" (ProCon 4). Not only can it cause physical medical issues, it can cause psycholgical issues too.
Abortion: Pro-Life In January 1973, the Supreme Court case Roe vs. Wade, made it legal for any woman in the first trimester of pregnancy to get an abortion. It stated that in the second trimester the state could regulate the abortion in ways that it pertained to the safety of the mother, and in the third trimester the state can forbid the abortion if the mother’s life is at risk (Murchison). However, just because the Supreme Court feels that abortion is acceptable, does not mean the United States as a whole feels that way. Since this case, abortion has been an extremely controversial topic that brings up passion and emotions no matter which side you are on with the topic. No one can ever agree on whether abortion is morally right or wrong,
If we are sincerely committed to equality then the answer must be no. Demanding that she have the surgery would entail us to say that you have to give up your body to your unborn child. It is unacceptable to force a pregnant woman to undergo treatment. It is her fundamental right of freedom of choice and control over her own body and life. In fact if we force this woman to have the surgery it could compromise the sanctity of a woman’s body.
Wade ruled that women have the right to an abortion during the first 6 months of pregnancy, legalizing abortion as a result. The court ruled that abortion is a right under the U.S. Constitution and prohibiting abortion would violate the 14th Amendment (which protects against state actions to deny the right to privacy, including a woman's qualified right to terminate her pregnancy). This law doesn’t see the baby as a human at all. This law makes it ok to abort a baby that has a heartbeat, legs, arms, and fingers. The unborn child deserves the rights that are given to all living humans.
The Pro-abortionist focused only on a women’s right to choose and all the social problems inherent in an unwanted child, forgetting that the unborn child is a precious thing that has the right to life and deserves the full protection under the moral and ethics law. The bottom line is our individual rights to freedom, and the pursuit of happiness should not supersede the authority of God nor should it supplement the moral absolutes from which they are derived. The Supreme Court decision in January 1973, of Roe vs. Wade decided that there should not be any legislation
The bible does not say anything about abortion but has something that sounds like they are talking about abortion. Exodus reads “When people who are fighting injure a pregnant woman so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no further harm follows, the one responsible shall be fined what the woman's husband demands, paying as much as the judges determine”( Exodus, 21:22). I’m pretty sure that the bible says a lot more stuff that sounds like they are talking about abortion. When the quality of life is on the line, ending a painful life or ending what will be painfull in the future. They abortion should remain legal for everyone to have a chance to have a favorable
Pro-Choice or Pro-Life Abortion is a very controversial subject that many avoid because it has so many opinions when it is the topic of conversation. According to the Encyclopedia Americana, abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by loss or destruction of a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus before birth. Even though many people believe that the destruction of a human being is considered murder, all women should have the right to choose to plan their own fertility. Abortion has been legal in the United States since 1973 and there are valid reasons to terminate a pregnancy such as a result of being raped or molested and for the health of the mother. In 1969, a woman named Norma L. McCorvey became pregnant.
Thomson explains that the fetus is a person who has the right to life. However, when the mother’s life is at risk, the idea of abortion can be considered morally permissible. In this scenario abortion is permissible due to the fact that we all have the right to protect our lives from any danger. This is what we call self-defense. Nevertheless, this is not the right term to justify this action, since there is no valid self-defense against someone who is innocent and unwilling to cause any harm.
(1) Beenfeldt says in his chapter that a woman should have the right to do whatever she wants to her body. He states “The pro-life movement is not a defender of human life, it is in fact, a profound enemy of actual human life and happiness” (39) Cook, Erdman, and Dickens fear that women are unjustly denied this safe medical procedure which is their given right. (157) Average Age of Women Getting