Private School vs Public School

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Private School Vs Public School The question of public school or private school is a debate that many future and current parents ask themselves. The topic of which type of education is best for your child is a conversation that takes place in many of today's playgrounds and family gathering. Yet many parents do not know that that it is not which school is better but which school is the best for your child's growth and learning, children are not all the same when it comes to learning. Your child may be walking at nine months well your friends is still crawling. So the question is raised, will you put your child in a public school or in a private school? What is a private school? Private schools are schools that are supported by private organizations or individuals. What stands out the most about private schools is the massive price tag to attend the schools. The cost range to attend a private school usually ranges anywhere from $7,000-$27,000 annually depending on the your state and location. Although many private schools have scholarships to help parents pay for part of the tuition, scholarships are very limited. Private schools are very competitive to get into. Since private schools are not run by the government, these schools are given the freedom to be very selective of the students they admit. Many prestigious private schools admit children based on their GPA, intellectual, and artistic abilities. Getting your children in to these schools can be like training them for the Olympics. An advantage of having your child in a private school is that most tend to have a lower student to teacher ratio, which has been proven to increase learning abilities. The major advantage of placing your child in a private school is that private schools have a much higher graduation rate at an amazing rate of 90-95%.The downside to private school is that the teachers are not
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