Principles of Safe Guarding

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Hsc 024 Principles of safeguarding and protection and social care 1.1 Define the following types of abuse: -Physical abuse This involves contact intended to cause physical suffering or bodily harm, injury and intended to cause feelings of intimidation. Examples being forceful restraint, kicking ,slapping, pinching. -Sexual abuse This is the forcing of unwanted sexual behaviour by one person to another. This can be physical or even forcing someone to watch pornographic films or indecent images. -Emotional/psychological abuse This may involve acts (or threats) to make someone feel humiliated, or cause mental harm, physical harm. Depriving someone of their right to make a choice, ignoring them or the complete opposite and shouting at them. -Financial abuse This is the illegal or even unauthorised use of money, property, or other valuables. Denying the adult the right to access their personal funds. Even forcing changes to inheritance and the will. -Institutional abuse The failure to provide appropriate and individual services to vulnerable people. Lack of stimulation, no flexibility, restriction and inappropriate use of rules custom and practice. -Self neglect This is a behavioural condition when the individual chooses to neglect their basic needs. This could be choosing not to wash, not eating correctly if at all, or even tending to medical needs. -Neglect by others This is a failure to provide appropriate care and living conditions. Neglecting basic needs such as food and drink, shelter and medical care to name but a few. 1.2 Identify the signs and/or symptoms associated with each type of abuse. Physical -Burns, broken bones, bruises ,abrasions and pressure marks are signs of physical abuse. Sexual The signs for sexual abuse could be extensive, these can range from bruising on the breasts or inner thighs and even upper arms. To stained or
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