Describe how the duty of care affects own work. Answer: people have a right to expert that when professional is providing support, they will be kept safe and not are neglected or exposed to any unnecessary RISK. Thinking about the duty of care that you ‘OWE’ to people is helpful when planning you work. It makes you consider whether what you were planning to do is in the best interest of the person you consider the physical risks involved bit allows you to see if you treating them with dignity and respect. As a health care professional if you think of it as ‘owing a duty of
If service users are happy we will get more referrals and good reports from CQC. Aiv) How the duty of care contributes to safeguarding individuals. The concept of safeguarding whether it is to children or venerable adults it is broader than protection safeguarding it is also keeping them safe of harm such as illness abuse or injury making sure every body works together prompting health preventing accidents or protecting from abuse. Protection is about what you do if you know someone has been harmed or is at imminent risk of harm. Procedures must be followed consequence if not can result in
All individuals have the right to be safe and to be treated with respect and dignity. In my role I have a responsibility to ensure the safety and well being of those in my care. By doing risk assessments and taking necessary precautions to avoid accidents or the spread of infection I am carrying out a duty of care in my work role and therefore contributing to the safeguarding of the individual. Outcome 2 Sometimes in my work role a potential conflict or dilemma may arise between my duty of care and the individual’s rights. An example of this may be that the individual may have a disability that restricts them from using resources within the setting, in which case the setting would need to be adapted as their individual rights are not being met.
1.1 Duty of care means that they must do everything they can to keep the people in their care safe from harm. It is not only the care establishment that needs to prioritise the safety, welfare and interests of the people using its services, but also the care workers of the establishment. My employer also has a duty of care for staff members, to ensure that working conditions are safe, and suitable to deliver the service. 1.2 The duty of care affects own work role by making sure you keep yourself safe and your service user safe. It means being updated on any new training, following all and any security procedures in order to keep things safe.
Principles for implementing duty of care in health, social care or children's and young people's settings: Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role; as a support worker my duty of care is to keep me and my clients safe, healthy and well beeing. Support Them in the aspects of life where that support is needed. Encourage Them to be independent as much as they can, ensure the hygiene routine is completed, wear PPE, put warning signs if They are required (ex. wet floor), make sure They are treated equally,see a doctor if they need to, raport abuse, complete the raports and other documents Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection the individuals; helps to prevent abuse (sexual, physical or emotional harm, neglect, money/private items missing), helps to keep dignity and respect to clients. Create a need for a new documents to ensure the client will be safe such as: Risk Assessments – carrying out and reviewing risk assessments for all of the activities we do and places we visit ensures that thought and concern is given to how we do things every day, this way I ensure risks concerning equipment, venues and activities are minimised and therefore reducing the risk of injury or harm to the clients and myself.
I have a LEGAL Obligation to adhere to as set out as a standard of reasonable care. This is set out in the General Social Care Council Code Of Practice; The General Social Care Council expects social care workers to meet this code and may take action if registered workers fail to so; • Protect the rights and promote the interests of service users and careers; • Strive to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of service user and cares; • Promote the independence of service users while protecting them as far as possible from dangers; • Respect the rights of services user while seeking to ensure that their behavior does not harm themselves or other people; • Uphold public trust. And confidence in social care; and • Be accountable of the quality of their work and take responsibility for maintaining their knowledge and skills. 1.2 - When Having Duty of Care as a Social Care Worker, we must promote the independence of Service users while protecting them as far as possible from dangers or harm; This Includes; • Promoting the independence of service users and assisting them to understand and exercise their rights; • Using established processes and procedure to
We are legally governed by the Human Rights Act to respect and protect an individual's rights first and foremost in everything that we do. It is a legal requirement of all health and social care staff to attend training enabling them to appropriately meet the needs of every individual in our care. Individuals have the right to receive the relevant support and treatment required for them to lead a comfortable life. A predominant focus of the training is the safety of the individual and how to maintain a safe, comfortable environment. Our policies and procedures within the work place protect the rights of individuals by making sure that we follow a person-centred approach and treat each case individually, but most importantly equally to any other case.
To always act in the best interest of my clients and their needs. A health care assistant has a duty of care towards themselves the clients and also their colleagues. As a HCA I should • Keep my knowledge and kills up to date. • To keep any records I make as accurate as possible. • To know what must be done to make any job as safe as possible.
It is also my duty of care to encourage independence and communicate with families and other agencies (GP, social services, police) ensuring that my actions reduce risk to the service users, myself and staff members and making sure it follows all legislation and laws. 1.2- Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals; I should protect the rights and promote the interest of service users and staff. Strive to establish and maintain trust and confidence of service users and their family and staff. I should always promote independence for the service users whilst protecting the unable from danger and harm. I should always respect the service users wishes whilst ensuring their behaviour doesn't cause them any harm.
Assignment 304 Task A (Ai) What is meant by the term “Duty of Care?” In our line of work we have a responsibility to make sure that people we come across on a daily basis are safe and free from harm. Highlight any concerns we have, and report any facts we become aware of. Duty of Care is defined simply as a legal obligation to: * Always act in the best interest of individuals and others. * Not act or fail to act in a way that results in harm. * Act within your competence and not take on anything you do not believe you can safely do.