Continual professional development is a process of life-long learning that meets the needs of clients and enables care workers to expand and fulfil their potential. It is important to continually improve your knowledge and practice in order to remain aware and keep updated regards current guidelines, legislations and standards relative to your practice. As manager it is your role and responsibility to ensure staff are kept up to date with and legislation, standards and guideline changes. The GSCC Code of Practice state that ‘social care employers must provide training and development opportunities to enable social care workers to strengthen and develop their skills and knowledge.’ The White Paper – ‘Modernising Social Services Promoting Independence, Improving Protection, Raising Standards’ (written in 1998) identified that 80% of all care staff HSC DIPLOMA HELP | This document is protected by copyright and belongs to hsc diploma help. NOT for resale purposes 1 ©HSC DIPLOMA HELP ͟͠͞͠ had no formal training and that there were no national standards of practice.
1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice Professional development is a hugely important aspect in any industry to ensure the success and effectiveness of a business. Managers must ensure they continue to update and refresh their knowledge through, for example; research, training, seminars, workshops etc. in order to ensure current working practices are meeting legislation such as employment laws, equal opportunities etc. and meeting standards such as the care council code of practice and national minimum standards and regulations as set out by CSIW. It is vital for management to be aware and up to date with relevant legislation and information, as it is a part of their role to guide, support and influence other staff to do well in their own roles.
MGT 605 All Assignments Click Link Below To Buy: MGT605 Week 2 Assignment Latest Details: Self-awareness is essential for developing management and leadership skills. Recognizing your own strengths, weaknesses, and values, and understanding emotional intelligence and learning styles can help you to be a more effective leader. Becoming self-aware is an ongoing process requiring introspection. The more often people practice self-reflection, the more opportunities they have to understand their own behaviors and adapt their approaches to working with other people, which can improve both your own and other’s abilities to meet their professional goals. For the Module 2 assignment, you
It can assist people in a circle of support to re-frame their views of the person it is focused on. It can help a group to solve difficult problems. Person-centered planning can help to create new lifestyles, find the right living enviroment and jobs, diverse kinds of support (informal and formal)and new social relationships. There are four main approaches to person centred practice, “Pathway” planning, “Maps” planning, “Person centred portfolios” and “Personal Future Planning.” Discussion will prove that each shares characteristics that explicitly emphasise the personal empowerment of service users, in which the principal direction for support generates from those for whom planning is being carried
Answer Reflective practice is important as it enables you to achieve a better understanding of yourself, your skills, competencies, knowledge and professional practice. Identifying what you have learnt requires you to think about your experiences, and consider the outcomes, in order to evaluate the experience, and identify your thoughts, feelings and understanding of the relevant issues. 3. How reflective practice contributes to improving the quality of service provision. Answer Reflective practice is important for everyone.
Education, training, and incentives provide a basis for developing an environment to promote teams and teamwork (Taplin, Foster, & Shortell 2013). Education and training programs that emphasize collaborative care and team building are essential. Also, organizational leaders need to highly value this training and the concept of interprofessional collaborations. This can partly be accomplished during the hiring process by stressing team and teamwork values to prospective hires (Taplin, Foster, & Shortell 2013). Continuing training and coaching as collaborations work can provide encouragement during the process.
Change is imperative for Citigroup to remain relevant. Shared vision “A shared vision is a consensus among people about what success is and how it will be achieved; a shared vision preserves the core values of the organization
Through initial understanding of the basic foundations of this theory, we will discuss the philosophy that assists with the establishment of enhancing shared learning and the benefit of mentoring. The most important goal from this presentation is the hopes that you will gather this information in an appropriate manner and begin implementing the caring relationship to not only to our but also coworkers in your practice setting. The Model The sole purpose of the caring-healing relationship is constantly evolving through the International Caritas Consortium, an organization established by Jean Watson to bring awareness to her theory on transpersonal caring. The ambition of this model is to bring an ever constant awareness to the changes present in our profession and how to overcome these challenges through the use of the caring relationship by supporting each other both in an academic and professional setting. With the accumulated shared knowledge and experiences, nurses are able to enhance not only
Terry created a formula that a leader would use in order to meet the goal of becoming an authentic leader (Northouse, 2013). This style is said to be action based and includes not only the leader, but also the leadership team or even the organization depending on the situation (Northouse, 2013). Terry claims the two questions in a situation that requires a leader are: “What is really happening?” and “What are we going to do about it,” (Northouse, 2013). A true authentic leader would answer these questions correctly while staying true to themselves and their followers. Terry developed an Authentic Action Wheel to help leaders correctly answers.
Leaders encourage and empower people to achieve success rather than place blame. According to the Keirsey style sorter by Mr. David and Marilyn, I found I have ENFP personality style. To understand what ENFP means and how I land under this category and why they are indicators that lead to strengths and growth areas. In next couple of paragraphs, I will discuss what they mean and recognize strength and growth areas for person of ENFP styles. Later, I will talk about my leader style and finally will combine the dimensions and form personal strength and growth areas about myself.