Pretty Woman Essay

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Of the many topics in the introduction and the essay it was difficult to pick out certain aspects that I thought were more interesting, or one that caught my eye. There is statement in the essay that talks about “being loved and loving another are the two most powerful and character-transforming experiences of life.” However bold this statement may be, I do have to agree with it. My Christian principles originally made me question this statement because I felt that God was being left out of the ability to change character. It just seemed to me, because we are talking about films and people, that this statement was biased toward humans; however, I realized this statement works for even the religious aspects of life. Because love can be supernatural as well it is very easy to understand that “being loved and loving another” are the most powerful character-transforming experiences that we will come across. This essay addresses another topic of great importance and that has to do with dealing with rejection. In Pretty Woman, Vivian is quoted saying “once people put you down enough, you start to believe it.” The most eye-opening aspect of this statement actually comes before her quote in this essay when the author declares that she is correctly stating the mentioned quote. I do not disagree, however, just like it’s mentioned that the reality of someone overcoming rejection in a week is not realistic, I feel the problem with this statement goes back to our early childhood. In my Anthropology class we discussed how humans are the only species that once born have no knowledge of any culture, or manner of living. Therefore, our ideas of how to live are formed by others. This clearly allows room for error, for example, when young we are taught to believe that “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me,” but as we mature we realize this is not true. I

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