Preschool Children Collaborate

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Tanya Stepney Collaboration with Parents and Community ECE 313/ Brandy O’Leary December 12, 2011 Midterm Paper During the preschool years there is tremendous growth and development in all areas of development, slow but steady. Extraordinary motor advancements, coordination, speed, strength, and tireless energy are all displayed during the preschool physical and motor development. Through cognitive development, the preschool child become quite sophisticated in their thinking, think problems through prior to acting, and engage in new reasoning. Symbolically, preschool children have high imagination, tell elaborate stories, interpret and reinvent their lives in drawing and writing, and create fanciful world through make believe. Finally, during the preschool years, many children become quite independent and social interacting with the world around them through games and play activities. This is the stage of moving from minute activities to preparing for a solid foundation in all areas of development preparing to interact out of the home. Being a teacher in a classroom, I understand the significant impacts that play enhance preschool children’s growth and development through empowerment, self- help skills, and pro social behavior. As a center, we provide opportunities for preschoolers to exercise their ability to function in a school community efficiently and independently. This includes interacting both inside and outside with their peer and their teachers. Activities are planned that engage preschool children in games that involve running, walking, chase, tag, and follow the leader in which children need to be socially apt. The preschool children also have toys for catching and throwing such as soft, large balls, beanbags, and other objects both in and out of the classroom. Ensuring preschoolers are empowered through many self selected activities
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