Prenatal Development Essay

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INTRODUCTION Prenatal development is defined as the process of growth and development within the womb, in which a single-cell zygote, that is, the cell formed by the combination of a sperm and an egg, becomes an embryo, a fetus, and then a baby. Conception occurs when the genetic material of the sperm and egg unite to form a single-celled zygote. This happens in the fallopian tube as the egg travels down the uterus. At this point, pregnancy occurs. It is the physical condition in which a woman’s body is nurturing a developing embryo or foetus. STAGES OF PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT. Germinal stage This stage covers two weeks after fertilization. The zygote undergoes rapid cell division then migrates slowly down the mother’s fallopian tube and is implanted in the uterine wall. The placenta begins to form enabling the developing zygote to attach itself to the mother’s uterine wall. At this stage, oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s bloodstream is passed to the zygote, the wastes from the developing zygote pass into the mother’s bloodstream for elimination. In some few cases, when the fertilized ovum attaches itself outside the uterus, the mother suffers from what is known as ectopic pregnancy. This condition is very delicate and should be treated as a medical emergency since it can cause death. Embryonic stage This second stage starts from two weeks to two months. Vital organs such as the heart, the brain, arms and limbs begin to form in this stage. The structure is now known as an embryo. This is a period of great vulnerability due to the formation of key organs. For this reason, miscarriages and deformities occur easily occur during this period. Foetus stage This third stage starts from the second month (8th week) of conception to birth. The developing organism is now called a fetus. There is rapid growth of muscles, bones increase in size and sex organs start
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