Prehistoric Art Essay

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CHAPTER 1 The Ancient Near East: The First Civilizations 0INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES After reading and studying this chapter, students should be able to: Explain the distinction between Paleolithic and Neolithic societies and identify the key characteristics of each. Discuss the development of early cities and large-scale civilizations in the Near East, some reasons why it developed where it did, and some of its essential characteristics. Identify specific features of Mesopotamian civilization and discuss its origins, the role of the Sumerians, and the characteristics of Mesopotamian religion, law, economics, and culture. Describe the geography and environment of Egypt and how they affected Egyptian religious, political, economic, and cultural life through the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms. Discuss the rise of imperial powers such as Persia, and explain the particularly effective features of Persian imperial organization. Articulate the differences between the scientific and the myth-making approaches to reality, and explain the main contributions of the ancient Near East to later Western civilization. 00cHAPTER oUTLINE I0. Prehistory A0. Prehistory 10. The Paleolithic Age or Old Stone Age (3 million–10,000 years ago) a0) The hunting and food gathering of Paleolithic people shaped their social development b0) Paleolithic people developed: (1)0 Spoken language (2)0 Bone, wood, and stone tools (3)0 Control of fire (4)0 Mythic-religious ideas to explain nature, birth, sickness, and death (5)0 Burial practices (6)0 Artistic representations of animals on cave walls, sympathetic magic 20. The Neolithic Age began 10,000 years ago in the Near East a0) Neolithic people developed the following important achievements, referred to as the Neolithic Revolution: (1)0 Farming (2)0 Domestication of animals (3)0 Villages (4)0 Polished
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