Prayer Is the Best Way to Deal with Suffering

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The dictionary definition of prayer states that it is a personal communication or petition addressed to a deity in the form of adoration, praise, contribution, or thanksgiving. Suffering however, is defined as being undergoing or being subjected to pain or disadvantageous experience. Forms of suffering can be said as either being physical or mental. Some people, particularly Christians, say that prayer is the best way to deal with suffering as God is the Supreme Being and interacting with God would easily relieve all their suffering. They believe that every way of suffering can be cured by praying to God. Christians believe that anything can happen in peoples lives but if they pray and have faith, they will never discourage themselves. They believe that prayer means that you really believe in God and you know that God loves you and that you will never be alone. Therefore, if you’re sure that God loves you, then you can deal with any kind of suffering. In addition, they believe that prayer is also the best way as it has no bad consequences such as other ways of dealing with suffering, such as alcohol and drugs are far worse. Moreover a quote from the Bible itself states that one should use prayer to deal with one's suffering: (1 Peter 5:7) "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." This quote says that Christians should deal with all their suffering by praying to God and unloading all their anxieties onto God. This would be quite a personal interaction. However you can’t be given an answer or told what do, if prayers are answered in a way that we don’t expect then we will not see them as being answered, there are ways in which you can deal with suffering without having to pray. Some non-Christians would argue that prayer is not the best way to deal with suffering. They believe this as prayer cannot be used to cure terminal illnesses such as

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