Prayer In Schools

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There is an ongoing debate about whether prayer should be a part of the daily school or not. Some believe, there should be no religious dimension to education, while others argue in favor of prayers in school. Obviously, the idea of having prayers in school has its pros and cons. Looking at from a certain perspective, prayers in school are quite beneficial. But there is another angle to it that renders the prayers in school unnecessary. The argument continues. Let us look at the pros and cons of prayers in school. Pros of Prayers in School It is important to base education on moral values and principles. Making prayers a part of the daily schooling is indeed beneficial. It fosters a moral and an ethical spirit in the school children. Prayers have a power of creating a pious atmosphere that helps instill certain values such as humility and discipline in the students. This helps the school children realize the essence of the ethical values. Prayers in school encourage the students to believe in the value system the school and follow it. Banning prayers in school could mean depriving the school children of their freedom of religion. Banning prayers is equal to being non-religious. According to those who think in favor of prayers in school, think of prayers as an essential element of the school routine. For them, it seems quite irreligious not to recite a prayer everyday, especially at the start of your school day. Moreover, prayers give the students an opportunity to observe their religion. School children are in a way motivated to respect their religion. School prayers give the students a platform to live by their values. Prayers in school thus reiterate the principles, which the children follow at home. Those favoring the concept of the recital of prayers in school think that a school should not only train its students academically but should also

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