So gun control is not the answer to the problem. Law Enforcement needs to crack down on criminals and the illegal sales of firearms to help elevate the problems with the death or homicide rate. The normal everyday work class people do not need to be punished for the acts of criminals and drug dealers. If gun control were to take effect and guns were outlawed it would still not solve the problem at hand. It wouldn’t solve the problems because only the outlaws
Government’s aims are always to please the public, or do the best for the state and so these groups clearly show the government what a certain band of people wish to happen. They allow these people to meet up and band together to express common viewpoints; they provide a safe haven for people with a belief or grievance to vent their disenchantment. While it is beneficial to the democracy of the state to take note of these views they often are only a sectional interest of the population. By definition a pressure group only represents a sectional interest, the government is interested in national interest and so the two do not really come together. The government have to govern to the national interest rather than smaller sections of the community with a particularly large voice, in that sense these views can often be outnumbered by national beliefs yet a louder voice allows them to be implemented against the majority which can only be considered a disadvantage as it allows for sometimes unpopular and extreme beliefs to be taken into consideration when the ‘national interest’ would not wish them to be.
The Founders set up a system of government in which even the "little" people, the "losers" of society, get to have a voice in what laws are passed and what wars are launched. Such "power to the people" is the very definition of liberalism--it was unthinkable everywhere else in the world at the time. The Latin root of the word "liberal" just means freedom and liberty. The Founding Fathers wanted maximum freedom and liberty for Americans (except for African-Americans and Native Americans). All the jobs created by General George Washington and President George Washington, and President Jefferson, and the other Founders were government jobs such as the ones listed in the Question.
Why Police Officers Shouldn’t be Allowed to Carry Firearms By Sai Avuthu Police officers are law enforcers who are employed by the government. Their whole purpose is to ensure a crime free society and bring justice to criminals who disobey the law. Essentially, they represent peace. However, carrying firearms, weapons of killing and destruction, is the exact opposite of peace. Although police officers stand for peace, there are many countries where people view police not as the hero but as the villain.
When not in uniform, a police officer has the same limited rights as any other citizen when it comes to personal responsibility and behavior. For example, an off-duty police officer attending a private party cannot pull a gun on a fellow guest or force an intoxicated partygoer to stop drinking. He or she can place a person under citizen's arrest until an on-duty police officer arrives, but many police departments discourage off-duty police officers from actively participating in such an arrest unless the situation is life threatening. An off-duty police officer may have proper identification and legal authority to arrest an offender, but he or she is also not considered to be on the clock, meaning there could be serious liability or insurance issues if he or she is injured during an off-duty incident or other damage occurs. This is why many off-duty police officers tend to avoid getting directly involved in minor incidents unless the offense is clearly egregious.
The governor and other state officials were enthusiastic about using foot patrol as a way of cutting crime, but many police chiefs were skeptical. (The Police and neighborhood safety George L. Kelling March 1982) Foot patrol, in their eyes, had been pretty much discredited. It reduced the mobility of the police, who thus had difficulty responding to citizen calls for service, and it weakened headquarters control over patrol officers. Many police officers also disliked foot patrol, but for different reasons: it was hard work, it kept them outside on cold, rainy nights, and it reduced their chances for making a “good
Inequalities in United States The United States has been seen by both its citizens and those abroad as a place where one can pursue an American Dream. Unfortunately, in the modern world this “American Dream” has been proven time and again to be a lie. While many may deny the effects of the United States current economic, societal, and political climate, statistics and facts point to the death of the American Dream and greater disparity in overall equality. Therefore, while it may be a debated idea, inequality in the United States is not a debatable idea. Based upon social class and political power in public policy, the United States has proven to be a nation where the economy, society, and political system do not function in the same way for all of its citizens, and everybody works for the benefit of the few, and against the interest of the many.
It would be impossible for a child to make independent judgment without meeting anyone different, because in their community most people lived the same type of lifestyle. But that is what prejudice and racism stem from, it is judging without meeting; following a mob mentality to hate certain people. Racism is also influenced by a part of the brain called the amygdala,
The first reason why getting tough on criminals does not work is because for the most part, they are not deterred You must Login to view the entire essay. If you are not a member yet, Sign Up for free! by increased punishment for the crimes they commit. For smaller crimes such as parking violations and speeding tickets, deterrence seems to work because people committing these crimes are not considered criminals, rather law abiding citizens who have made a mistake and are aware of the punishment. The fact that the penalty for armed robbery has gone up to twelve years from nine years does not pass through a criminals mind because they genuinely do not expect to be caught for the crimes they commit.
The government did not hire the necessary amount of agents needed to scour such a vast area. Gangsters were able to bribe agents, thus making even those federal agents responsible for carrying out the law corrupt. Proving, once again, that money talks. (5) During this time, officers made several arrests sometimes even by the dozens. Prisons were at capacity with prisoners arrested for alcohol related crimes.