Poverty in Mongolia

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There are many social issues that the world faces today. Social issues are problems that exist around the world that is beyond one person’s control. It affects every person in the community and should be resolved as a community. Social issues can be anything from economy, gender, race, education, equality, violence, health, human rights to others which usually revolve around disagreement of beliefs and tensions between people who take different sides. I think that most broad social issue that the world is facing today is poverty. Poverty is a condition in which people lack the things they need to live. The poverty is a global problem that existed since the beginning of the civilization. Homelessness, lack of healthcare, and lack of food are all major aspects of poverty. Poverty can be divided into two different tiers. There is absolute poverty and relative poverty. According to Ralph Byrns from University of North Carolina absolute poverty is when “people are absolutely impoverished if the minimum amounts of food, clothing and shelter necessary for survival absorb all of their income, and they live a razor’s edge existence.” Second one is relative poverty where “People are relatively impoverished if the customary (average) standard of living in their society requires more spending than the income they have available.” There are many countries that have absolute poverty, majority of these countries are third world countries. Even Unites States of America that is number one economy in the world, has room for extreme poverty. For example: when I used to live and study in Washington DC, I have seen many people who lived in metro stations, or in cardboard homes near the Potomac River. It was really sad to see people live like this in such a developed country. Even though I have seen these people in United States, it is nothing comparable to Mongolian absolute poverty
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