Poverty in Africa

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THE CAUSES AND IMPACT OF POVERTY ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA A PAPER PRESENTED AT THE CONFERENCE “POVERTY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” HELD IN BORDEAUX, FRANCE FROM NOVEMBER 22 – 23, 2001 PRESENTED BY: TAZOACHA FRANCIS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Action Centre for Rural Community Development ACERCD P.O. Box 342, Buea, Cameroon Fax: (237) 3 32 21 21 E-mail: acercd98@yahoo.com THE CAUSES AND IMPACT OF POVERTY ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA INTRODUCTION Poverty is the oldest and the most resistant virus that brings about a devastating disease in the third world called under development. It’s rate of killing cannot be compared to any disease from the genesis of mankind. It is worse than malaria and HIV/AIDS which are claimed to be the highest killer diseases. HIV/AIDS attacks only a few number of people in a society which is a negligible portion of the world’s population. As of poverty, it is a pandemic that affects a greater number of people in the society and the whole society at large “out of the worlds population of more than 6 billion people, nearly 1.3 billion people live on less than a dollar a day, and close to 1 billion cannot meet their basic consumption requirement”, Human Development Report (1999). While only about 33.4 million are affected by HIV/AIDS as reported by UNAIDS (1998). Those that are affected by the HIV/AIDS virus may be as a result of the poverty virus. All the diseases are rampant in Africa and Asia. This has seriously affected sustainable development in Africa today. Consequently, while other societies are struggling to get to the moon, Africa is struggling to get back to the village. Mankind has failed to give poverty the attention it deserves. That is why a problem from time immemorial is plaguing the world today. Many have seen it as a problem of the third world. Little or no findings have been made about the origin of
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