According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2012),GAD is defined as: an anxiety disorder marked by chronic excessive anxiety and worry that is difficult to control, causes distress or impairment in daily functioning, and is accompanied by three or more associated symptoms (as restlessness, irritability, poor concentration, and sleep disturbances) The sad truth of GAD is that it is almost always present sometimes lying just underneath the surface while at other times it dominates your every thought, action and reaction. However, GAD can be improved and treated with the learning knowledge of what the symptoms, causes and warning signs
Seemingly mundane events may trigger symptoms/signs. For example, people with borderline personality disorder may feel angry and distressed over minor separations, such as vacations, business trips, or sudden changes of plans from people to whom they feel close. People with this disorder also may see anger in an emotionally neutral face and have a stronger reaction to words with negative meanings than people who do nto have te disorder. Borderline personality disorder is often viewed as difficult to treat. It can be treated effectively, and that many people with this illness improve over time.
1.1 describe the main types of mental ill health according to the psychiatric (DSM/ICD) classification system: mood disorders, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, substance-related disorders, eating disorders, cognitive disorders There are may types of mood disorder for example depression or bipolar. Depression is when when somebody has a feeling of sadness that lasts for a long time, everybody feels sad from time to time which is normal and it normally only last for a few days, but if it lasts longer then that then there is a high chance you may be suffering from depression. People who suffer from depression can experience sever mood changes, they can start to feel useless and worthless. A person with bipolar will suffer serious mood
Whether it affects them personally or they witness it happening to someone else, it is very scary. Experiencing trauma can affect people differently. Some people are able to endure the trauma and move past it fairly easily in time. There are people, however, that have a more difficult time moving past and getting over the bad experience. These people may have post-traumatic stress
While very serious, such a reaction usually subsides within hours to days. The stress may be an overwhelming traumatic experience (e.g. accident, battle, physical assault, rape) or a sudden change in the social circumstances of of the individual, such as mourning. Individual vulnerability and coping capacity play a role in the occurrence and severity of an acute stress reaction, as evidenced by the fact that not all people exposed to exceptional stress develop
The diagnosis of social anxiety disorder can be of a specific disorder or a generalized disorder. Social anxiety disorder typically involves a persistent, intense, fear of being judged by others and of being embarrassed or humiliated by their own actions. These fears can be triggered by false perception or actual scrutiny (Mayo Clinic). Most of the time the person with SAD is experiencing symptoms from “working themselves up” than actually being judged or humiliated by
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Abstract Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has been recognized globally as a disorder which is not only common among individuals who have experienced traumatic events, but is also considered a normal response by normal people who have been in abnormal situations. Our external environment can trigger an associated memory causing an individual to experience anxiety like symptoms, and if the symptoms are severe enough they can be classified as PTSD. PTSD is a disorder an individual can learn to control and eventually overcome with help of professionals, family, friends and most importantly, self. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or more commonly known as PTSD, “is
Stressful life events, such as death or illness or job loss are associated with the onset of insomnia (Basta, Chrousos, Vela-Bueno, Vgontzas, 2007). Anxiety, depression and chronic pain are all causes of insomnia. These are all symptoms that Suzette experiences. Her worries of not being able to go to sleep make it hard for her to fall asleep. Having trouble sleeping is a symptom of depression, which leads to insomnia.
Manic episodes can be severe and dangerous. Some signs and symptoms of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder can include suicidal ideations, sadness, hopelessness, irritability, fatigue, suicidal thoughts or behavior, loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, anxiety, guilt, sleep problems, low appetite or increased appetite, problems concentrating, chronic pain with no known cause, frequent absences from work or school and poor performance at work or school. Symptoms in children and adolescents include explosive temper, rapid mood shifts, reckless behaviors and aggression. These shifts in mood occur within hours or less. It would not be uncommon for a child to have periods of silliness, bouts of crying and outbursts of anger all in one twenty four hour
Panic disorders -- overwhelming anxiety produces profound symptoms that are sometimes mistaken for critical illness such as heart attack, or severe organ distress perhaps caused by an imbalance in neuro-transmitters; treatment may involve antidepressant drugs and/or tranquillizers. Difficult to cure with a 50% recurrence rate 4. PTSD: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder occurs after exposure to a traumatic event (e.g. battlefield, severe accident causing loss of life...); a syndrome develops wherein the sufferer displays many cyclic symptoms that often mimic other illnesses (depression, neuralgia, deafness ...) Can affects as many as 8% of the population (US) and seems to be more prevalent in men than