Post Psychological Disorder

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Psychological Disorder: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder triggered by the exposure to a traumatic experience, such as an interpersonal event like sexual or physical assault, domestic abuse, prison stay, exposure to terrorism attacks, war, disaster or accidents (DSM-IV-TR, 2012). According to the DSM-IV-TR (2012), PTSD is characterized by re-experiencing the traumatic event accompanied by symptoms of increased arousal and by avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma, and the duration of the disturbance is more than one month. The cause of PTSD is unknown; factors such as genetic, psychological, physical, and social are involved (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2012).…show more content…
Cultural behavioral norms and values are learned during the socialization process. Both human development and socialization are lifelong processes that are affected by cultural changes (Shiraev & Levy, 2010). Human development involves continual evolution and change, by which people alter values, beliefs, and attitudes, and acquire new ones. The development process happens within a social construct, usually the native culture; however, development takes place similarly in most cultures (Shiraev & Levy, 2010). Human development and socialization are affected by cultural and parents expectations, especially during childhood. “In societies that are small, egalitarian, and with little occupational specialization, children are expected to learn “on their own,” whereas in industrialized democratic societies there are explicit expectation about what, with whom, when, and how children should learn” (Levy, 1996, as cited by Shiraev & Levy, 2010, p. 199). According to Shiraev and Levy (2010), fundamental human development takes place mostly without regard to the social construct within which it forms the characteristics of a specific culture define an individual’s socialization, those characteristics become intrinsic…show more content…
The biggest challenge in understanding PTSD is why it affects only some individuals post-trauma. The effects of human development in socialization on the risk of PTSD are multiple; however, recent studies focus in the importance of familial psychopathology, environment child abuse, and juvenile psychopathology factors in the development of PTSD. Cultural implications of PTSD are not part of existence models of PTSD and are not typically considered during clinical intervention. Studies result reflect that cultural expectation and the difference of trauma meanings in different cultures should be taken in consideration in the diagnostic and treatment of the
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