Post Colonial Analysis of 'When I'M Born I'M Black'

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------------------------------------------------- ‘Stereotypes and Others Natives’: A Post Colonial Dealing of ‘When I Born, I Black’: A Poem from the African Context ------------------------------------------------- Submitted to ------------------------------------------------- Dr. Munawar Iqbal Gondal ------------------------------------------------- Prepared by ------------------------------------------------- IhsanUllah ------------------------------------------------- Reg. # 87-FLL/PHDENG/F13 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Department of English ------------------------------------------------- Faculty of Languages and Literature ------------------------------------------------- International Islamic University Islamabad Abstract The researcher has analyzed “When I Born, I Black?” an anonymous poem from the African context, using some of the postcolonial concepts as tools of analyses. A variety of concepts can be applied to the poem as it carries the strains of relationship/s between colonizers and colonized. However, this study attempts to apply two among the various concepts of Post-colonialism i.e. Othering and Stereotyping. Initiating with literature review focusing on Othering and Stereotyping, the researcher will try a detailed analysis of the poem using the concepts of Othering and Stereotyping. This will try to unveil the poem’s motif of responding back of “The Empire”. Key Words: Post-colonial Analyses. Othering, Stereotyping, Anonymous, When I Born I Black, Colonizer, Colonized, Self, Other. Introduction Othering and Stereotyping are crucial terms pertaining to post-colonial discourse. The supposed inaugurators of these terms are Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Homi K. Bhaba. There is a multitude of

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