Positive and Negative Effects of Technology

887 Words4 Pages
Introduction Technological advancement, with no doubt, has such a huge impact in shaping the today‘s world. We have the ability to use our minds and with this power, we are able to create many great things for this world. Creators, inventors, makers, founders, innovators,– these are the people behind every technology existing at present times. Inventions has made the world what it is today. It absolutely helped our society develop into a much better world. This whole aspect of invention is what we see as technology. In the present globalized world, we are living in the era of advanced technology. Every part of our daily life is related to technology in one or other way. When compared with olden days, we are having better facilities and even better luxuries with the help of increased technology. The development of technology is not confined to any one sector and all the industries and different sectors of society are developing new technologies according to their needs and requirements. Technological advancement is responsible for many changes like world population, life expectancy, education levels, material standards of living, and the nature of work, communication, healthcare, war, and the effects of human activities on the natural environment. Not just these conditions are affected, but also our society and our individual selves. So the aim of my research paper is to analyze the effects that technology had on our everyday life. Methodology I found this topic for my research paper interesting because I amongst others rarely stop to think about how lucky we are to live in this era, where we have all of this technology at our fingertips, however we still don’t think about how it affected our planet, our lives, our mentality. This research paper can be categorized in few different stages of research. First part consists of review from different types of
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