Porter's Five Forces

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* * According to Porter, the five forces model should be used at the line-of-business industry level; it is not designed to be used at the industry group or industry sector level. * Porter's framework has been challenged over three assumptions. Buyers, competitors, and suppliers are unrelated and do not interact, the source of value is creating barriers to entry, and that uncertainty is low, allowing market participants to plan and respond to competitive behavior. * Strategy consultants occasionally use Porter's five-forces framework when making a qualitative evaluation of a firm's strategic position. Porter’s Five Forces model for New and Current Companies Jeremy Milller American Military University Porter’s Five-Force model enables managers to visualize the current situation of their industry in a structured, yet easy to understand way. Porter’s model serves as a checklist method of evaluating one’s company, with the potential of these forces differing from one industry to another. Regardless of the industry, these five forces influence the profitability as they affect the prices, the costs, and the capital investment required for survival and competition in industry. Porter's framework has been challenged over time, as some argue buyers, competitors, and suppliers are unrelated and do not interact. Rather, that the source of value in the model is structural advantage, allowing participants in a market to plan and respond to competitions (Kachru, U. (2007)). Despite Porter’s revolutionary model, it seems to not account for the role of innovation, presenting competition that wasn’t evolving. According to Porter, the five forces model should be used at the line-of-business industry level; at a lower, more basic level with a market in which similar or closely related products or services are sold to buyers. A firm that competes in a

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