Porphyria's Lover Anaylsis

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Alonzo Booth III IB English Due: November 8, 2013 Porphyria’s Lover Analysis Robert Browning was a famous English Poet who mastered the use of dramatic verse expecially dramtic monologues. One of his famous pieces was Porphyria’s Lover. Robert Browning use situational irony, personification, imagery, iambic tetrameter, juxtaposition, rhythm, and enjambment to complicate the notion of truth throughout the poem. Robert Browning uses situational irony to depict the love portrayed by Porphyria’s lover but it ends up going awry when he took, “ in one long yellow string I wound three times her little throat around and stranged her.” (lines 39- 41) It displays the irony of a person saying a whole lot of good things about that person that they love and cherish but they end up killing them. Browning uses that to throw the readers off from the suspecting romantic love poem or love story to a romantic tragedy that ends up leaving the reader wondering why did the man kill the woman he loved so dearly? What did Porphyria do that made him kill her? Browning captializes on this and also tries to use the irony in the poem to show that there is beauty in death. Browing uses a euphonious iambic tetrameter to display his control of the disconnection between the order and chaos by the way the line have the same structual pattern throughout the poem. It in turn gives the poem a sense of rhythm that makes it seem like a story with a song in the background. He keeps it were you dont suspect that there will be a horrifying action taking place until it’s too late. It also shows where after, “ so she was come through wind and rain be sure I look’d at her eyes happy and proud; at last I knew Porphyria worshipped me...”(lines 30- 33) that everything completly turns and the man turns into this crazy, manipulative psychopath that kills his lover for no apparent reason. Its just like in

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