Pomline vs. Cheer

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Pomline vs. Cheer Subject by subject: Pomline and cheerleading are two great activities that work your body out, and get you in shape. Cheer and pomline have some similarities, but they also have some differences. Most people don’t really understand the difference between pomline and cheer because they see mostly how they are alike. For starters, pomline only dances. They don’t cheer, or chant, or anything of that nature. Pomline dances to the music that the band plays. They are a mixed type of dance team. They dance pretty much everything; ballet, hip-hop, contemporary, etc. Pomline dances on the sidelines of football games, and perform during half time shows. During basketball games, they also perform on the sidelines, and half time. Pomline also has the privilege to walk in the rodeo parade in February. Pomline is mostly considered a dance team because all they do is dance, and perform at dance showcases. Pomline is a great activity to stay healthy and strong. Cheerleading on the other hand cheers. They say chants, and cheers, and they do little movements that aren’t really considered dances. Cheerleaders have to be very stiff in everything they do. They perform on the sidelines during football games, and basketball games. They don’t really have any other performing opportunities because they don’t dance. Cheer also gets to walk in the rodeo parade. Cheerleading, even though they are not as active, still need to be in shape so that they have the strength and energy to cheer through out entire games. Cassy Gutierrez Period 1 Pomline vs. Cheer Point by point: Pomline and cheerleading are two great activities that work your body out, and get you in shape. Cheer and pomline have some similarities, but they also have some differences. Most people don’t really understand the difference between pomline and cheer because they see mostly how they are alike.

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