Political Way of Afghanistan

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POLS 206 COMPERATIVE POLITICS Country Paper Instruction AFGHANISTAN Afganistan is a country in which wars never end and the people are jailed to live in dilemmas. When the country is free from the wars, then the other problems occur like poverty, health problems, ethnic and cultural differences together with diverse religions and their rules. Thats why I would like to study on and tell about this country. This paper has two parts. In part I, the political system of the country will be analyzed together with the history of that system and the current political statement in the country. In Part II, the major comtemprory problems of the country will be mentioned. this paper will end with recomendations and possible solutions for these problems. PART I : IDENTIFICATION OF AFGANISTAN POLITICAL SYSTEM Afghanistan is located in the middle east of the world which is surrounded by Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Bhutan. Afghanistan has slightly smal size and has an estimated population of 28,717,213. The land has mostly mountains and deserts so it is hard to grow food and it is very hot. It has got a semi arid climate with temperate grassland where they have nomadic herding with little or no activity. Afghanistan hasn’t got a stable government. This country has always fightings and can never seem to find peace. The fights and wars in the country caus economic and social problems to all of the citizens of Afghanistan. In the last years, after the defeat of the Taliban, the people in Afghanistan have established a government through a President named Hamid Karzai. Ethnic and political rivalries plague the country, warlords military power has increased and anti Americanism is strong as tribes in the east and south feel distanced and victimized by the Kabul government and U.S. forces. After the overthrow of the Taliban in late 2001, several Afghan
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