Political Self View

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The results of the self-gov.org quiz told me that i was a Libertarian. Which means I support maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters. I advocate a much smaller government; one that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence. I tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties. They say Libertarians differ on the degree up to which the state can be reduced. Some favor the existence of states and see them as necessary while others favor stateless societies and view the state as being undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful. Supporters of government argue that having defense and courts controlled by the market is an inherent miscarriage of justice because it turns justice into a commodity, thereby making it an economic power. They also say that having defense and courts controlled by the state is both immoral and an inefficient means of achieving both justice and security. They say I hold that liberty is incompatible with state action based on a class struggle analysis of the state. I agree completely with this conclusion because the less government the better I think. I have always been a person that thinks the the wealth and prosper of someone is due to his own effort. The sweat of a mans brow should have an effect on his income. If you work hard, you should me compensated for your work but if you are lazy then you shall not prosper. I do not like taxes, But if it means we have universal health care and free schools I am all for it. I sound like a hypocrite and some of the times I am. Also I probably sound like a Swedish or Ireland person but I'm not, I'm a proud Russian/American and hate Communism. The results of the People-press.org quiz told me that i was a Post-Moderns. Which means I am
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