Poetry Is the Essence of Globalization

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Poetry is the soul that breathes life in language. It is through poetry language wakes up, walks, runs, laughs, weeps, sings, dance, kills, fires and hates. Poetry pumps the blood in veins of language, causes its heart to throb, and distribute the oxygenated blood to parts of the language’s body. Therefore, the senses awake and work rhythmically. To understand the real activity of poetry, one has to think deeply to reach the fact and value of poetry. It is typical to a doctor who wants to diagnose a disease; he must take a blood sample from the depth of the body by using a syringe for test and knowing the cause of the disease. Poetry is like what is seen on tree: it is attractive and useful because of its flowers, leaves, colour, shade, shape, or fruits. Alternatively, unattractive because of thorns, weathering stingy smell of shade less. What is got from the tree is like what one gets from poetry as it deals with good and bad, and ugly and beautiful experiences. Language without poetry exploit is like an orphan, and will be trite, boring, monotonous and tasteless that lets one yawn and looks asleep. It is like chewing a hard kind of food that is eaten as necessity to live on. Poetry to language is rain to the earth. It is like a swimmer who dives in the depth of the sea off handed, but comes back with pearls, fish, salt, weeds and even oil. Thus, poetry produces all kinds of feelings, senses, and heart bearings to light and the world through power of imagination. Therefore, I strongly believe and insistent that languages must be taught through literature in general and poetry in particular. Old languages survive and develop through poetry and nothing else, as there was any writing at those times. Poetry sustains culture’s past, present and plans it future. Consequently, poetry is the reference to which all nations depend on for their origins; because it is

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