Pleasures of College Life

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1 College life is, no doubt, the golden period of a student's life .The knowledge gained, the opportunities availed and the friendship made during the stay at college go a long, way in determining the future life and career of a young man. we will often find grown-up people mentioning the memories of their college days with great pleasure ,pride or regret . College life ushers in a completely new stage in the educational career of a young student.As compared with school life,it is a life of liberty,self-respect and confidence .The college students gets freedom from the rod of the school teacher and his authoritative attitude.He feels happy to find his college teachers quite friendly and persuasive.His feelings of self-respect ate properly recognized and he is encouraged to depend upon himself. 6 For the first time in his life,he feels his own importance at home as well as at college ,and his opinions and decisions are given due weight.He is no longer regarded a child who must be forced to do certain things considered useful for him. College life is also pleasurable for providing a large company of like minded young men of the same age and of similar interests.You can have the acquaintance of a large number of college fellows,belonging to different families,having different temperaments,qualities, habits,manners,etc.You are free to make new friends, and to learn and adopt what is good in others. 2 That is why a student becomes more polished after entering the college so that his dress and manners improve remarkable.His timidity shyness disappear,and he starts asserting himself.Such healthy influences on the mind of a young man prove decisive in moulding his future career and outlook of life. 3 He is learning all the time ,not only from books but also from his teachers and fellow -students . College life has innumerable pleasures and facilities in the form of

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