Plato's 'the Cave' As Seen In Calderon's "Life Is A Dream"

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There are human beings in a dark cave, bound by chains and facing the wall; they see only shadows of themselves and the shadows that are shown to them by other human beings behind them. They have been there since birth, so what they see on the wall in front of them is what they perceive as reality. However, one is finally set free from his chains and thus is able to see the real reality; he is able to see the world as it exists not as it is shown to them. He sees the shadows, then reflections, then objects themselves, then the stars and the moon, and finally sunlight, which symbolises the actual nature of things or the truth. After having set eyes on the sun, this man cannot go back to the cave, to the dark, and see the world as he used to before he started contemplating the truth. This man is Segismund. The limit of Segismund’s world is the walls of his cells; what he knows of the world, he has learned from Clotaldo the jail keeper. Basil, the King of Poland and Segismund’s father, can be likened to the people behind the wall in front of the fire; they are presenting images of what they deemed was acceptable to show the men in front of them just like Basil did to Segismund. Basil is like these men also because he feeds images to his son while he thinks he is living the truth, when these men are just as ignorant of the world that lies outside the cave they live in as the men that have been shackled since birth. Segismund’s first moment of freedom is just like when the man is first unshackled and led up to the world outside the cave. He does not really perceive what he is seeing, but merely shields his eyes from the world – in Segismund’s case, by acting savagely. He gets used to it, however, and in the end, only Segismund finally realises the truth as the truth. I feel that Calderon’s “Life Is a Dream” can
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