Plato Strength and Weakness

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Plato’s Theory Strengths | Weaknesses | Forms or ideas can possess a more profound and reaching reality than material objects that we can touch or see. | He says “our argument shows that the power and capacity of learning exists in the soul already…” I believe he is mistaken. It is an allegory, a hypothetical situation, an illustration at best. While this illustration might give evidence for what he is talking about, it is by no means a solid argument that an entire metaphysical and epistemological view of the world should be based off of. | We all have innate knowledge of justice e.g everyone seems to have an idea of justice inside them, even if it is not exactly the same for everyone, but this shows it must have come from somewhere plato says with his forms and how our souls remember roughly what the forms are like. | A problem is one of limits. Of how many particular things in the world can it be said that there’s a form? | Also because we always seem to strive for perfection, we are always trying to make things better, which shows as if there is an idea of perfection from somewhere that we are striving to copy (as if we have a rough knowledge of the perfect form of each form) | Plato assumes that if we know the truth we will want to live by it but looking at it, many people know it is wrong to murder, yet they do it; and also to say that some people prefer ignorance; ignorance is bliss. |

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