Plain Old Untrendy Troubles and Emotions, Rough Draft

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English 12 (Draft 1) 9 October 2012 David Foster Wallace: “Plain Old Untrendy Troubles and Emotions” At some particular moments during my childhood it seemed as though life stopped, and I found myself in another dimension, in a parallel world. I saw everything “from aside”, and I remembered a sentence constantly repeated in my head: “I live! I live! I live...” At those moments I thought how inexplicable our existence is, how great the fact that we can walk, dance, move, talk to each other, think and feel. How can we do all those things, and who taught us to do it all. Those “escapes” didn’t last long, but at those moments I felt completely abstracted from this world, and my inner voice was whispering “I live! I live...” and at those particular moments I attempted to realize the beauty of my own existence. It was an unusual feeling, and I’ve never shared it with anybody. I was afraid that people would think I’m crazy. I was sure that nobody would understand what I mean, and still, I think that I’d be able to explain it. (I’m not sure what you mean in this sentence maybe try splitting it up into two so your point comes across more clearly) So, you think I was a weird child? – Maybe, but as David Foster Wallace wrote in his essay, “Plain Old Untrendy Troubles and Emotions”, I believe that nowadays we, humans, do not pay too much attention to the things that seem to be so obvious, so simple, seem to be just crud (This isn’t to clear either what seems to be just crud?). We never think about them (What is them, use what your are talking about instead of them just for this one the other two you can leave), we don’t question them; we never raise these “ubiquitous” issues. We do not think about them and we do not realize how important and unique everything that surrounds us is. From the first lines of his essay, Wallace uses the example of
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