Plagerisim Essay

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lagerism has always been a huge concern towards teachers and administrators who want students work to represent their own efforts and to reflect the outcomes of their learnings.however, with the advent with the internet and easy access to almost limitless written material on every conceivable topic. plagerisim is stealing other people's work and ideas which makes you who you are. professors expect students to use their own words and imagination to see the abilities they have in writing. the worst part of it is that most students dont know how professors can be that smart to tell that it is a plagerized paper. students can be very addicted to plagerizing since it is very easy to find any type of information. many students do this continuously understanding that plagerisim is against the rules but fail to see any real harm in the theft of ideas or phrases.students obviously are not learning anything from stealing someone else's work. writing takes alot of critical thinking and involving yourself in the situation to make a easy well structed essay. in many cases, students dont take their time realizing how writing can be very fun and creative. plagerism has begun to affect professors at high levels diverting them from the work of developing students writing and critical thinking abilities. students dont seem to realize how professors can tell whether the paper is plagerized or not.well, professors know what a student is capable of, how they write, the language they use and etc. professors can get previous essays from the student and combine them and realize that the quality and style are markedly different from what they have seen from the student before. therefore, even writing one or two sentences off the internet can be easily found from the website you've got it from which means that students dont have a way out of it. plagerism is more common then
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