Pink & Plastic

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Pink and Plastic In Jennifer Price’s essay entitled “The Plastic Pink Flamingo: A Natural History”, she uses rhetoric to convey her opinions of the emptiness of American culture. Price made it apparent through her usage of tone, satire, irony, juxtaposition, and diction. In her essay, Price varies her writing style as she varies the usage of rhetorical devices in this essay. She blatantly uses irony when she mentions that it is “…a little ironic, since Americans had hunted flamingos to extinction…” (Lines 13-14). Price mentions this historical fact to criticize that Americans are using the image of a bird that they had themselves once massacred with no serious thought behind it. She condemns Americans because Americans would only use the image of the bird without any interest in the actual bird itself. To continue her criticism of the American culture, Price implores the use of an allusion, as she describes the flamingos as “forward-looking rather than old-fashioned, just right for a generation, raised in the Depression that was ready to celebrate its new affluence” (lines 36-9). This satirical reference to the Depression makes fun of American culture by implying that the unnecessary spending and extravagant living style (living beyond their means) were the primary causes of the Great Depression. She uses the flamingo to focus in on the fact that although Americans were still getting over the Great Depression, they are still running back to the habits that led to their suffering. Price also focuses on the color of the flamingo to continue her point of the shallowness of American culture. She states that “the plastic flamingo is a hotter pink than a real flamingo, and even a real flamingo is brighter than anything else around it" (lines 52-4). By being brighter than its surroundings, the flamingo ultimately attracts attention. Therefore, with the
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