Pink Panther Essay- Language Variation

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Analysis of a Language Variation: The Pink Panther Angela Thomas Georgia Institute of Technology Abstract This essay introduces the plot of The Pink Panther movie and explains the importance of the french dialect used in the language. The first part of the essay states that the french dialect was mainly induced into this film to create a humorous environment by adding to the silliness of the whole situation. This is explained using various dialogues of the movie. The second part of the essay focuses on the french stereotypes that are formed due to the way in which Inspector Clouseau annunciate his french accent. Finally, the last part of the essay explains that a french dialect places Inspector Clouseau in a particular social group. Thus, each of these parts strengthens the main argument of the paper that English Language variation in The Pink Panther is used in order to create a humorous environment for the audience, to stereotype the french community among the americans and to categorize an individual's position on the social hierarchy. Shawn Levy's film, The Pink Panther (2006), is the story of the french detective, Inspector Jacques Clouseau, and his nonsensical method of solving one of the greatest crime of his country. This slapstick comedy exaggerates the humor by using a fake french accent in the English language. Levy creates the character of Inspector Clouseau to outline his perception of the French community and to find an alternative way to amplify the effect of comedy among the audience. Inspector Jacques Clouseau uses his french dialect to portray his lack of shrewd intelligence which makes him different from other detectives in the police department. He convinces the audience that overly crafty way of thinking is not necessary rather simple common sense can be used to solve any complicated situation. Moreover, the french accent also conveys
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