Physical Security Essay

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Physical Security Physical Security Since the dawn of security came to light. Security has been an issue ever since man thought to be in fear of his or her life and because of this he or she had to feel safe. Before technology the only way to be safe was either to lock the doors or hire someone to protect someone. Physical security comes in so many forms. Anywhere from a new lock system on the door to a multimillion dollar security alarm system. One thing is for sure people like to feel safe and not worry what may happen down the road. Physical security consisted of security guards and locked doors for the longest time. Then the computer was invented and then security took a whole new direction in life. Everything in security started to turn to electronic equipment. In most cases, they became more reliable than the everyday guard who where untrained to be in a position to protect. Guards were and are today deterrence’s more than anything. Ever since 9/11 occurred security has stepped up and took on a new way of doing business. With the help of technology and better trained people businesses can rely on these companies to help protect their assets much better than they use to. Physical security is not only for keeping people out but also keeping people and in addition it addresses situations like fire and life safety equipment. According to Demkin, (n.d.) In any case, all threats to a building – from storms, earthquake, terrorist bomb, or accidental fire – require protection of the occupants from immediate, direct effects of the event, such as flying debris or structural collapse (para.). There is a couple of challenges that have to be met so that a facility is secure enough. First the mindset of people has to be altered so that everyone is in agreement in what is in need to protect the company assets. Then developing a good security contingence that meets
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