Pharmacy Better Than Nursing?

510 Words3 Pages
Reasons Why I Want To Be A Pharmacist
Everything in life is in a continuous state of flux and change is the only thing that is permanent. Some people take one turn to their destination while others take more turns. I am a nurse by profession for about 5-6 years and would never regret being a nurse, because the exposure and knowledge obtained remains invaluable. Working directly with people who are sick, I have figured out that a lot of things we take for granted are very essential not just important for instance, having someone to talk to, and emotional support. One might ask, you are a nurse already, why pharmacy? A personal studies of the retirement versus the economic trend / social security running out; one may be required to retire at older age. As such, nursing is physically demanding and may not be the best option for life after 60years. As a pharmacist, my mental stability guarantees me a job, even after 70years old. I could be on a wheelchair and still work effectively as a pharmacist but not nursing. With the economy worsening every day, double degree has become the order of the day, could it be possible that a nursing /pharmacy combo strategizes one for the challenges ahead? I have first-hand experience of what it means to help people and doing so made me to love it. I have had elderly ladies come into the hospital only to tell the nurse that she is afraid staying home alone and that leads to anxiety; Patients come in complaining about their medication not working only to find out that they need education on dosing. As a pharmacist I am positioned to continue doing what I love doing from a different aspect. As a pharmacist, I am more knowledgeable to educate the public on the effects of their medication. It also offers me the opportunity to understand myself better especially when I go to a doctor and they give me or my family a pharmacological

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