Peter Drucker's Theory Of Marketing Management

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Christie Olufemi Fakoyede X11105208 Msc Management (PT) Second Semester 2011/2013 Session Class Diary 2 Marketing Management “Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two – and only two – functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and Innovation create value, and the rest are costs” Discuss Introduction The purpose of this article is to identify the citation with the works of the author relating to his core principle of a successful business. His approach towards retention of customer will be viewed in line with the concepts he proposed in most of his writings i.e marketing and innovation. Although, the author, Drucker Peter, is recognized in the business world as one of the highly successful business scholars and writers with great impact on both small scale and high-tech companies, as a consultant and pioneer, his works are not without critics. A critical review of his concepts by some of his contemporaries will also be analyzed. How relevant is Drucker’s concepts of business in today’s economies is an issue to be highlighted in the concluding part of this work. Peter Drucker and Business The citation above is highlighted in most of his works: Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practice (pg 57); The Practice of Management (pg 39-40), etc. Just like his counterpart and editor, Theodore Levitt, Drucker believes that businesses fail as a result of the negative approach of practitioners to the core value in business: the customer, as well as the inadequate knowledge and experience of top management. He argues that customer’s need should be satisfied through the process of two vital elements: marketing and innovation. These two should be given priority before any other task in business management, “What is important to the Drucker Management System is that the dynamics of setting objectives under Managing Business

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