Pet Cat Essay

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Do you want a pet cat? Cats require care, and caring them in the right way is important. In order to have a happy life with your cat, you need to be able to feed them, groom them, and play with them. I will be speaking about the basis of caring and keeping for your cat. Feeding your cat is important. The way you feed your cat could have an impact on its health. Cats should eat enough of a high-quality, nutritious food to meet their energy needs and to maintain and repair body tissues. All cats require taurine, an amino acid that is important for normal heart function and vision. Cats cannot make taurine, so they need protein based diets to get it. There are many ways to feed to your cat. One way is portion control feeding, by measuring what your cat eats, you can keep your cat at a healthy weight. Another way is free-choice feeding, where food is available at all times. However, this may result in obesity. Another way is the timed feeding method, where you can make a portion of food available for your cat to eat for a specified period of time. For liquids, milk is actually not good for your cat. Cats do not have enough lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk. Feeding your cat milk can result in diarrhea or vomiting. Instead fresh water should always be available for your cat to drink. Grooming is also important for your cat. Whether your cat is long or short haired, your cat should be brushed. Regular sessions with a brush or comb will help keep your pet’s hair in good condition by removing dirt, spreading natural oils throughout her coat, preventing tangles and keeping her skin clean and irritant-free. Brushing can reduce the amount of hair that is shed by your cat. Your cat will also need to be bathed once in a while. After brushing, you should take your cat into the sink or bathtub. Wash your cat with special cat shampoo and warm water. Make sure

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