Pert Plus Essay

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PERT PLUS MARKETING PLAN Executive Summary Marie Donini, the Product Manager for Proctor & Gamble (P&G), was about to re-launch their product Pert as Pert Plus which was considered a terrific product. They did have the time advantage of almost a year over the other competitors. The original product Pert was perceived not to have met the expectations of the customers and it was perceived not delivering the value, which resulted in flattened growth in two years after it was introduced. The findings about the product were: 1. Product had positive cleaning image which was picked up by male customers and manageability image was picked up by female users. 2. Brand personality was clear and distinctive, active and outgoing. 3. Non-users claimed product was unsophisticated, while product had relatively high male users. It was perceived more suitable for male users. 4. Pert pronunciation in French meant “to lose”, which caused some problem. The conclusion from the findings indicated that Pert had customers with potential market share in the event of repositioning. This was because they had the brand personality (active and outgoing). The company re-launched the product in 1983 but it wasn’t successful, there was a decline in share. Therefore, the company withdrew the advertising but made the availability due to the existing stock out in market. It was interpreted that consumers’ perception was product didn’t deliver enough (1983 – 1987). The research based on the unsuccessful resulted in a breakthrough shampoo formula which exceeded the capabilities of individual cleaning and conditioning shampoos, which initial Pert (one conditioned shampoo) couldn’t deliver. New formula was renamed Pert Plus since P&G wanted an entire new brand. It was launched after testing in the US market. The company was planning to roll nationally since the six

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