Persuasive Example Prompt: Ban on Fragrances in Public Workplaces

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PERSUASIVE PROMPT EXAMPLE Ban Fragrances in the Public Workplace Indoor environments are bombarded with the odors of perfumes, lotions, and air fresheners. While some people enjoy the newest fragrances, others run for the nearest exit to gasp for a breath of fresh air before full attacks of allergies and or asthma set in. This “stinky” situation is causing problems for some in the workplace. Although some believe that fragrances should allowed in public workplaces, fragrances should be banned because they create health problems for some people, the American Cancer Society warns about the increase in indoor air pollution, and clean scents are available to everyone. First, fragrances should be banned in the workplace because they create health problems for some people. Similar to the way peanut allergies have increased in recent years, allergies to fragrances are on the increase also. In a survey of students and adults at a local high school, 33% relied that they have a type of allergy or asthma that is triggered by indoor fragrances. Common courtesy means that people who enjoy and wear fragrances would become aware of the health issues their scents can cause to those who are allergic and take action to prevent needless suffering. Second, the American Cancer Society and the Canadian Cancer Society have both warned that indoor air, polluted by overwhelming fragrances, can lead to lung disease. In the past, the same warnings were made against the use of second-hand smoke. The smell of fragrances cannot be contained to just the person wearing them. Scents fill the air and others must breathe in the pollution. Banning fragrances in the public workplace would help eliminate a great deal of the indoor air pollution that can create health issues for everyone. Third, clean scents are available to everyone. Some make the argument that fragrances are needed to

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