Persuasive Essay On Voter Id Laws

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Introduction: Statement of Interest: The ability is one of the most cherished and fundamental rights in the United States of America and voter I.D laws may strip this right away Thesis: In this paper I will argue that voter ID laws are wrong, because they are a blatant attempt at voter suppression. Topic Sentence: Voter I.D. laws create a roadblock for certain registered voters to vote in the election. ● Registered voters who currently have no acceptable identification must go to their state’s Department of Motor Vehicles, bringing with them numerous forms of identification (bank statements, social security cards, etc.) to be issued I.D. acceptable for voting in elections. Some will be unable to provide acceptable identification and will be turned away.…show more content…
● Due to the voter ID Laws Pennsylvania, had their lowest turnout ever in the 2012 presidential primary. ● Research suggests that 11 percent of U.S. citizens - more than 21 million Americans - do not have government-issued photo identifications. Topic Sentence: Voter ID Laws are unconstitutional. ● The fourteenth states, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." ● According to the 14th Amendment and the Commerce Clause, it is the duty of the Federal government to provide free IDs to citizens so as to ensure that all have equal access to interstate commerce. Conclusion: Voter ID laws are a form of suppression which lead to to significant burdens for eligible voters trying to exercise their most fundamental constitutional right. Therefore, any state who chooses to implement these laws are breaking the

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