Secondhand smoke not only increases the risk of cancer in nonsmokers, but it raises nonsmokers cost of extra medical care as well as causing other health complications. Secondhand smoke (SHS) is a common danger to people in public areas as well as in their homes/cars. Mainstream smoke is the product the smoker inhales and exhales into the environment. Sidestream smoke, however, is way more toxic and can be inhaled by anyone in that particular area. This is because sidestream smoke comes from the burning end of the cigarette which has not been filtered.
Marijuana could be used in place of alcohol for recreational purposes. Many believe marijuana poses less of a threat to a person’s health than alcohol would. Also, while smoking marijuana a person may make more logical decisions than they while under the influence of alcohol. (Balanced Politics.Org. Messerli, Joe.
What are some of the issues for prescriptions drugs and teens today? Give examples. What are the short term and long term consequences of smoking? Short Term Effects: Tobacco affects anyone who smokes it. When or if you smoke is it can cause rising in blood pressure, rise in heart rate, restrict the flow of blood from the heart to the brain, it speeds up the brain, causes arteries to narrow.
A study was done by the DEA in 2004 in which 19.1 million Americans aged 12 or older used illicit drugs in the 30 days prior to the study. A whopping 14.6 million of those people had used Marijuana, making it the most commonly used in
Discuss three policies to reduce the level of cigarette smoking amongst under 21s. It is estimated that every year more than 205,000 children in the UK start smoking. Among adult smokers, about two-thirds report that they took up smoking before the age of 18 and over 80% before the age of 20. The latest survey of adult smokers shows that almost two-fifths (40%) had started smoking regularly before the age of 16. It has a big impact on their health.
“Atherosclerosis (buildup of fatty substances in the arteries) is a chief contributor to the high number of deaths from smoking” (Smoking & Cardiovascular Disease). Smoking also causes bronchitis, which is the inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes. Lung cancer and many other kind of cancers are produced by smoking tobacco. Additionally, tobacco is the main cause of many health problems. In conclusion, smoking tobacco is injurious to health.
There are a lot of bad chemicals in cigarettes and other tobacco products. Those chemicals are bad for the smoker, and worse for those around the smoker. “Second-hand smoke exposure can have serious health consequences, particularly for infants and children, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), cause and exacerbation of asthma, increased respiratory tract infections, increased middle ear infections, low birth weights, and developmental impacts” (Business Wire, 2006). “Second hand smoke exposure has been linked in adults to elevated risk of lung cancer, nasal sinus cancer, and breast cancer to cardiovascular disease, including heart disease” (Business Wire, 2006). “ There is no safe level of second-hand tobacco smoke exposure”(Pediatrics, 2010).
A person’s health is greatly affected by their lifestyle decisions. Someone who chooses to smoke especially on a regular long term basis will be harming they're health greatly. Smoking directly causes 1000's of deaths in the UK each year and contributes too many more. Cigarettes contain more than 4000 chemicals, These chemicals are dangerous and cause many physical problems on a person’s health,69 of those chemicals are known to cause cancer, some of the ingredients of a cigarette are horrific: •Benzene (petrol additive) •Formaldehyde (embalming fluid) •Ammonia (toilet cleaner) •Acetone (nail polish) •Tar •Nicotine •Carbon monoxide •Arsenic (rat poison) •Hydrogen Cyanide (Gas chamber poison) All smokers energy levels are depleted because of lack of oxygen in the blood stream. Oxygen levels decrease about 15% when smoking, to be replaced by carbon monoxide.
A person drinking alcohol may start to feel the effects after just one drink, and recover depending on how much the person drank, body weight, and how much they may have had to eat before drinking. The immediate effects of alcohol are slurred speech, decreased inhibitions, poor judgment, and lack of motor coordination. Marijuana causes red eyes, dry mouth, increased appetite, slowed reaction, paranoia, decreased social inhibitions, and in some cases, hallucinations. Drinking large quantities of alcohol can lead to coma and even death. A person would have to smoke about forty thousand times the amount to get high, or twice their body weight, to overdose, so it is almost
Prescription drugs can get you just as high or even worst then weed. Statistics show that people become more addicted to the drugs they get from there own medicine cabinet then the drugs they buy off the corner drug man. I get how the government wants to try and put an end to crack heads and addicts but that will never happen in the world today cause there are so many ways to get high . The top 5 heavenly drugs are : 1. NICOTINE - millions and millions of people smoke cigarettes everyday that contain nicotine .Did you know smoking tobacco causes chemical and structural changes in the brain and is nicotine illegal... NO !