Personality Attributes That Will Enable a Manager to Succeed

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University: Wisconsin International University College Class assignment: as a manager, examine the personality attributes that will enable you to succeed on the job Personality defies a single precise definition. There are so many definitions of personality. According to Gordon Allport (1937) personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment. A simple definition would be personality is the way an individual views and understands himself, and the way he interacts with the environments and reacts to situations. It is made up of characteristics of thoughts, feeling and behaviors that make an individual unique. Personality arises from within and is fairly consistent through life. There are certain personalities attributes that a manager needs to acquire that will enable him to succeed on the job. These attributes are: locus of control, type B personality, self-monitoring, and willingness to make risk, type B personality and self-esteem. These attributes are explained one after the other in the next paragraphs. The paragraphs also contain the reasons why these personality attributes are needed by a manager to succeed. As it is said earlier, one of the personality attributes that is needed by a manager in order to succeed is locus of control. Locus of control refers to the degree to which a person believes that he can determine his own fate.Boudha is one of the great spiritual leaders that taught about it.This is seen in his quote: ”work out your own salvation, do not depend on others”. People that are high on locus of control are very focus and determined to achieve whatever they set out to achieve. These are exactly the things (determination, focus) that managers need in order to achieve organizational goals. Determination means you decide to

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