Personality Assessment Instrument Paper

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Personality Assessment Instrument By University of Phoenix Personality Assessment Instrument Paper The majority of the most commonly found and widely used personality assessments are focused on the theory that the behaviors in us all are a result of a variety of specific traits that can be measured. These personality traits act or speak for our inner tendencies, how someone behaves in certain ways regardless of environmental setting. Even though one’s environmental setting can most certainly affect a person’s behavior, people are known to have a preferred way for acting in many different situations. To help define and measure individual differences in personalities, there are a variety of assessment instruments that have been created. In general, these assessment tools rely mainly on self reported behavior. Designed to ask people to respond to different questions about themselves, then the results of the assessment are used to make predictions about his or her behavior. Even though these personality assessment instruments are by no way perfect, they can be a proactive way of obtaining information about people. Under certain settings, these personality assessments are mainly used in clinical environments. They can also be used for assisting employers and job hunters find productive career matches. For those searching for the right job, the results can help guide them towards a career that best fits their personality type. Or, he or she can identify certain personality traits that will make one job more of a challenge than another. For this assignment I will compare and contrast three different styles of personality assessments instruments, the Thematic Apperception Test, California Personality Inventory (CPI), and popular magazines. Thematic Apperception Test For this particular test the person taking the assessment is

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