Personal Response to I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (Under 300words)

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Personal Response to “I wandered lonely as a cloud” The poem “I wandered lonely as a cloud” by William Wordsworth is one which many people know. I know this poem extremely well, due to the fact that it was drilled into me in 5th class of primary school. I really enjoy reading this poem, and not just for the nostalgic feelings or flashbacks of primary school. I enjoyed this poem because of the effective imagery that it presents to its readers. An example of such is in the first verse “beside the lake, beneath the trees/ fluttering and dancing in the breeze”. The simplicity of this image is also seen in the use of colours, such as the “golden daffodils”. The image is clear and precise and is probably the reason why this poem is taught in primary schools. Another reason I like this poem is because of the use of active verbs throughout the poem, giving the poem a constant flow and energy. The daffodils are constantly “fluttering” or “dancing” and the waves also “danced”. This gives the poem a certain energy. This energy combined with the descriptive imagery shows us the natural beauty of nature. I like the way Wordsworth used simple images to represent the simple beauty of nature and the daffodils. The regularly rhyming scheme in the poem adds to the musical quality of the poem and makes it more appealing to the ear. It also makes it easier for people like me to remember the “ABABCC” rhyming scheme. The poem makes me feel happy and excited, which is probably how Wordsworth himself felt when he wrote this poem. I like the way that he is able to make me feel as excited as he felt

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