Personal Perception of Organized Crime

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Personal Perception of Organized Crime Kelly Meier CJA/384 09/29/2013 Jack Tandy Before I started this class I had never really heard of organized crime. If you would have asked me what organized crime was I would have said a crime that someone or some people that planned out the crime that they were going to commit. That they had put thought and time into making sure that they could do it and not get caught. After reading the materials in this section and hearing the definitions and examples from the class, I realize that there is a lot more to organized crime. If I was asked now what organized crime is I would answer in a different way. Organized crime is a group of people that have come together as one to commit illegal crimes. Each person will have their own part that they are assigned to when the illegal activity takes place. One could be the watch out, the talker, the gun holder and etc... Each person is help liable for their part in the crime and must carry through. If they do not carry out their portion of the crime correctly, they usually will have to answer to the president of the organization and that person is usually not the nice one. My perception compared to the readings of organized crime was just a bit similar. I was just unfamiliar with how many types of organized crimes that there were and how many ways of doing them. I was also did not realize how in depth organized crime was. I did not realize that it is a group that committed the crime more than one time. I thought that it would be just a group of friends that got together one night and decided to commit a crime and they planned it out so that they would be sure not to get caught and that was it. I was completely blind to the thought that people do this for a living, like a job. Everyone has their specific duties and answers to a boss. I would tend to think
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