Personal Narrative: The Game Of Soccer

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How I looked at the game of soccer when I was a kid to how I see it today. (Thesis) So much about soccer has changed since I was little. The game of soccer is a wonderful and fun sport. I started playing when I was about three years old. The rules are simple, dribble the ball or pass it to a teammate in order to score on the other team’s goal. I love playing soccer because I love using my feet and I love to run, it is a good way to keep in shape. I started off playing 3 vs. 3 when I was little and as I grew up we added more players eventually getting up to 11. When I was older I joined a travel soccer team which traveled around Ohio, I was also a part of a premier league which consisted of good soccer players. When I played for the premier league I learned so much more about soccer.…show more content…
Bowlers also use the hands to roll a ball down a lane to knock pins over. Another dissimilarity of soccer is golf because in the game of golf you use a club to hit the ball all the way to the flag and then try to putt the ball into the hole and again it consists of no running. Soccer is like a puzzle it is hard but when you put the pieces together it is a lot of fun. If my paper had eyes and could look back at me it would see a hard working guy named Brian. It would also see that I loved the game of soccer. The paper would also notice how nice and wonderful of a person I am because I’m easy to get along with and I’m really funny as well as being extremely handsome. I don’t think there is a right or wrong to my subject because not everyone has to play the sport of soccer. Even if you did play, you are just out there playing to have as much fun as you can, or if you are competitive you also want to play to win. The only moral to my subject is to have fun, if you have fun the game will be more appealing to you and you will meet many different

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