Personal Narrative: Grassroots Soccer

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Changing the world for the better is always a great thing. Even if it’s just the daily pick up trash by the trash can. This semester I choose to stay at the same site as I did last time mostly because I love it and I love helping kids learn and play the game of soccer. Grassroots soccer is like a camp for kids below high school to further educate themselves about the tactics of soccer and to work on their playing skills. I did this community service over spring break going on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for four hours. While being there I teach kids how to counter attack, how to defend counter attacks, and how to defend free kicks. Usually I set them up a few drills to work on and after an hour and a half; we let them do a scrimmage to see what they have learned and to let them take the drill to the real thing. I have had an amazing time at this site and will probably return to do more. The service of Grassroots Soccer has bettered my skills in working with kids of all ages. The mission I set out to accomplish was to help kids get active and better understand the game of soccer. I believe that the mission was a large success. My duties of helping out in the communities…show more content…
It’s more along the lines whether someone wants to help out the community in which they live. Sometimes someone is just the kind of person that just wants to help all the time, then theirs people like me who will help out if they get an urge to or if they pressured into it and then there’s the people who just don’t care. Although service does give you experience in different skills be in managing a fundraiser could help you with management. How important is community service to me? Honestly I don’t care to it but other do so yea I’ll go out and help sometimes but only things I like doing. So on a scale of one to ten I’d say community service is a three on the list. Don’t get me wrong I really enjoyed teaching soccer but for other things I just don’t care

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