Personal Lives vs Public Lives

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Personal Lives VS Public Lives People have two lives in their life. A personal and a public life. Milan Kundera wrote an article about the separation of personal and public lives. The difference between these two? A personal life is a person’s own. It’s not shown to the public, or strangers, but rather kept in small confidence of well acquainted people. Public lives may be considered a sort of façade. As the author quoted, “…the curtain separating these two worlds is not to be tampered with, and that curtain rippers are criminals”. It’s important to keep the two lives separate for professional, social, and emotional reasons. Having a job with coworkers and a boss isn’t the easiest thing to do. Showing emotions with people who see you as a professional can be risky. The emotions shown may be used against the associate and they will be seen differently after that. A politician needs to keep their public life as professional and sophisticated as possible or their outcome and reputation may suffer. Combining a personal life within a job may result in loss of job, hurt feelings, and dangerous actions. The employee is getting paid to work, not be emotional. That being said, it does not mean that emotions that are acceptable in the job position are frowned upon. If a person works at a vet office, it’s normal to shed a tear when an animal is euthanized, but if a banker or insurance worker feels bad enough for a person that they give them an unauthorized gift or discount, their job position may suffer. It’s important to know how much emotion can be put into a public life, but it’s important to not put a personal life in a public one. Being anti-social can come from many things, like traumas, mental illness, and many more. One thing that could trigger a trauma to a life may be combining a personal and public life. A high school student attempts to keep a reputation
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